Contact / Mass Schedule
Contact Us
Mass Schedule
Confirmación para Adultos - Español
Adult Confirmation - English
STAY Confirmation
STAY Sacramental Prep (Confession and 1st Communion)
Elementary Sacramental Prep (1st Communion and Reconciliation/Confession)
k-6 Reconciliation/Confession - k-6 reconciliación/confesión
K-6 First Communion/ k-6 Primera Comunión
RCIA - Youth
Adult RCIA
Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation
Formación de la Fe para Adultos
Circle of Grace
Circulo de Gracia
CCE (K-6)
CCE Elementaria en Espanol
STAY Youth Ministry 9th - 12th Grades
Spiritual Growth
From the Desk of Fr. Fred
Sunday Homily
Today's Readings
Invitation to Prayer
Invitación a la oración
Saint of the Day
Patron Saint
KPIA 102.5 FM and EWTN
Live stream
Live Stream Archives
Parish Life
Calendar (Month View)
Parish Pastoral Council
Loan Repayment
Pago de prestamo
Fall Festival
Festival de Otoño
Young Adult Ministry
St. Vincent DePaul Society
Sunday's Bulletin
Knights of Columbus
Christmas Project
Proyecto de Navidad
Respect for Life
Safe Environment
Ambiente Seguro
St. Pio Secular Franciscan Fraternity - Huntsville
Links To Secular Franciscan Website
Pathway to Profession
Saint Thomas the Apostle
Catholic Community of Huntsville, TX and Walker County
1603 Avenue N, Huntsville, TX (936) 295-8159
"...there is no inequality of significance amongst us except holiness..."
"No hay desigualdad de importancia entre nosotros excepto la santidad..."
Sunday's Bulletin
Today's Readings
Contact Us
Live stream
Contact / Mass Schedule
Contact Us
Mass Schedule
STAY Sacramental Prep (Confession and 1st Communion)
Elementary Sacramental Prep (1st Communion and Reconciliation/Confession)
Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation
Circle of Grace
CCE (K-6)
STAY Youth Ministry 9th - 12th Grades
Spiritual Growth
From the Desk of Fr. Fred
Sunday Homily
Today's Readings
Invitation to Prayer
Saint of the Day
Patron Saint
KPIA 102.5 FM and EWTN
Live stream
Live Stream Archives
Parish Life
Calendar (Month View)
Parish Pastoral Council
Loan Repayment
Fall Festival
Young Adult Ministry
St. Vincent DePaul Society
Sunday's Bulletin
Knights of Columbus
Christmas Project
Respect for Life
Safe Environment
St. Pio Secular Franciscan Fraternity - Huntsville
2018 Raffle Prizes
Parish Life
Fall Festival
1. $2,500 Travel Voucher
2. $500 Ward Furniture Gift Certificate
3. $500 Buckner's Jewelry Gift Certificate
4. $500 Messina Hof Winery Get-Away
5. $500 Home Depot Gift Card
6. $500 Fire Pit w/4 Chairs & Outdoor Rug
7. $500 Best Buy Gift Card
8. $500 Texan Football Tickets (2) w/Parking Pass
9. $500 Brookshire Brothers Grocery Gift Card
10. $500 H-E-B Gift Card
11. $500 Wal-Mart Gift Card
12. $500 Golf Package
13. $500 Walker County Hardware Gift Card
14. $500 SHSU Season Baseball Tickets (2) + Gift Card
15. $500 Palais Royal Gift Card
16. $500 55" Vizio HDR Smart TV
17. $500 Laptop Computer
18.$300 DeWalt Drill Set-Sears
19. $300 Target Gift Card
20. $200 Marshall's Gift Card
21. $200 McCoy's Gift Card
22. $150 1836 Steakhouse Gift Card
23. $150 Three Oil Changes
24. $100 Academy Gift Card
25. $100 Hobby Lobby Gift Card